ADB (Q48)

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Belgian lighting company "Adrien de Backer"

Belgian lighting company "Adrien de Backer"
  • Cie Adrien de Backer
Language Label Description Also known as
Belgian lighting company "Adrien de Backer"
  • Cie Adrien de Backer


Type of information
Internal image
logo 30's ? (English)
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ADB had opened up their UK office in 1990, with Russell Dunsire (ex Strand) heading it up. They subsequently provided systems to Wembley Conference Centre, the Stephen Joseph Theatre and Bridgewater Hall. (English)
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ADB STAGELIGHT, société par actions simplifiée, immatriculée sous le SIREN 821924362, est en activité depuis 5 ans. Localisée à ROUVROY (02100), elle est spécialisée dans le secteur d'activité de la fabrication d'appareils d'éclairage électrique. Sur l'année 2018 elle réalise un chiffre d'affaires de 4 107 500,00 €. Le total du bilan a augmenté de 27,04 % entre 2017 et 2018. recense 3 établissements ainsi que 5 mandataires depuis le début de son activité, le dernier événement notable de cette entreprise date du 09-01-2020. Simone CAPELETO est président, Luc LAFONT est directeur général de la société ADB STAGELIGHT. / Cessée à l'INSEE le 26-11-2019 / (French)
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Het bedrijf ADB werd opgericht door Adrien De Backer, voor het vervaardigen van elektronisch materiaal. In eerste instantie produceerden zij vooral elektronisch apparatuur voor laboratoria, met name reostaten.Vanaf 1925 starten zij met de productie van variabele transformatoren voor het dimmen van verlichting in theater- en bioscoopzalen. In 1938 werden schijnwerpers toegevoegd aan het gamma. Sinds 1950 startten zij ook met de productie van dimmers op basis van 'Thyratrons', magnetische versterkers en sinds 1965 'Thyristors'. Maar ook de eerste memory control desks op basis van ponskaarten, ferrieten, magneetbanden, diskettes en tenslotte in 1985 op microprocessors. In 1987 wordt ADB overgenomen door de SIEMENS-groep.Het bedrijf liet in 1958 nieuwe kantoren en fabriekshallen ontwerpen door de architecten Henri Montois en Robert Courtois, gelegen in Zaventem langs de nationale weg richting Leuven. Deze locatie past binnen de context van het ontstaan van de industriezone buiten de steden als nieuw vestigingstype voor industriële bedrijven in de jaren 1950. (Dutch)
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founded by
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check for series 104 Découpe 1kW à condenseur 1992 (English)
check for series 204 Découpe 2kW à condenseur 1993 (English)
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Founding date
ADB originally founded in by Mr Adrien de Backer – whose initials provided the company name - began its life as a manufacturer of electrical equipment for laboratories, mainly rheostats. (English)
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is part of
August 2016
Claypaky acquires ADB Lighting Technologies, a company specialized in Theatre and TV lighting, creating ADB Stagelight SASU (English)
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ADB was acquired by the SIEMENS Group. At that time ADB was already strongly established as a worldwide broad line manufacturer of professional stage and studio lighting equipment. (English)
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significant date
ADB applied the rheostats and later on the RHEOTOR® variable transformers to the dimming of light in theatres, music halls and cinemas. The company was, notably, responsible for producing the first light dimmer for the Malines theatre in Belgium. This equipment served for over forty years. (English)
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The first spotlights were introduced and soon afterward lighting control became electromechanical and partially motorized with relay control. (English)
first spotlights
electromechanical and partially motorized with relay control.
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The start of a long period, of innovations, with for ex. dimmers based on thyratrons, on magnetic amplifiers and, since 1965, on thyristors. And also, the first memory control desks based on punched cards, ferrites, magnetic tape, floppy disc, and finally in 1985 on microprocessors. (English)
thyratons, magnetic amplifiers
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since 1965, on thyristors. And also, the first memory control desks based on punched cards, ferrites, magnetic tape, floppy disc, (English)
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in 1985 on microprocessors. (English)
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Following a management buy-out, the ADB Group was restructured, the production streamlined and upgraded in order to make of ADB a lean and agile operation able to face new challenges. (English)
management buy out
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In 1945, ADB lighting control was electromechanical and partially motorized with relay control. (English)
electromechanical control
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In 1962, first ADB “punched card” memory control desks were state-of-the-art. (English)
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