revolving stage (Q3536)

From CanonBase

A turntable built into the stage floor.

A turntable built into the stage floor.
  • revolve
Language Label Description Also known as
revolving stage
A turntable built into the stage floor.
  • revolve


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subclass of
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courtesy of
3 August 2013
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historical term
revolving stage (English)
A turntable built into the stage floor. (English)
3 August 2013
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točna (Czech)
Jevištní prvek zpravidla mechanizovaný který je součástí podlahy a tvoří otáčivou část scény (Czech)
3 August 2013
otočné jeviště (Czech)
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palcoscenico girevole (Italian)
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draaitoneel (Dutch)
deel van de toneelvloer dat rond kan draaien (Dutch)
3 August 2013
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Drehbühne (German)
Einrichtung zur Drehung einer Bühnenfläche in entweder falcher Bauweise ohen Hubpodien oder in einer ein-/oder mehrstöckigen Stahlkonstruktion zur Aufnahme von Hubpodien (German)
3 August 2013
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escenario giratorio (Spanish)
Un disco giratorio integrado en el piso del escenario. (Spanish)
3 August 2013
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vridscen (Swedish)
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scène tournante (French)
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revolve (English)
A permanently installed turntable built into the stage floor or part of the theatre's equipment which is installed on top of the stage floor, on which scenery can be set and then rotated into view. (English)
3 August 2013
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točit (Czech)
Vestavěná točna do podlahy jeviště nebo část divadelní výbavy kterou je možné dát na podlahu jeviště a na níž je možné postavit scénu a otáčet s ní. (Czech)
3 August 2013
otáčet (Czech)
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girare (Italian)
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draaischijf (Dutch)
Een draaischijf ingebouwd in de toneelvloer waarmee een decor kan worden gedraaid en waarmee delen van het decor zichtbaar gemaakt kunnen worden. (Dutch)
3 August 2013
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Drehbühne (German)
Mehrstöckige runde Platform die in die Bühne eingebaut ist und auf welche mehrere Kulissenbilder gestellt werden. Für einen Szenenwechsel kann die Drehbühne gedreht werden und das jeweilige Kulissenbild sichtbar gemacht werden. (German)
3 August 2013
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disco giratorio (Spanish)
Una plataforma giratoria circular integrada en el piso del escenario o construida sobre el escenario existente sobre la que se puede montar la escenografía permitiendo la mutación entre distintas escenas. (Spanish)
3 August 2013
escenario giratorio (Spanish)
giratorio (Spanish)
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faire tourner (French)
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Revolving Stage (English)
Circular stage capable of holding up to three or five sets that can be shown to the audience in turn. (English)
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time frame
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Canon Event Label
Revolving stage
1617 (English)
The first revolving stage was created by Tommaso Francini in 1617 at the Palais du Louvre. It can be used for quick scenic transitions or as part of the play itself.
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