color dichroic (Q3326)

From CanonBase

Glass color filters which filter the color of light by reflecting all colors except the color of the filter, which passes through.

Glass color filters which filter the color of light by reflecting all colors except the color of the filter, which passes through.
  • dichroic color filter
Language Label Description Also known as
color dichroic
Glass color filters which filter the color of light by reflecting all colors except the color of the filter, which passes through.
  • dichroic color filter


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3 August 2013
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historical term
color dichroic (English)
Glass color filters which filter the color of light by reflecting all colors except the color of the filter, which passes through. (English)
3 August 2013
dichroic color filter (English)
0 references
dichroický filtr (Czech)
Skleněný barevný filtr který odráží všechny barvy světla kromě té požadované. (Czech)
3 August 2013
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filtro dicroico (Italian)
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dichroic-kleurfilter (Dutch)
glazen kleurfilter die alle kleuren reflecteert behalve één die erdoor wordt gelaten (Dutch)
3 August 2013
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Dichroitische Farbfilter (German)
Glasfilter mit mehreren dielektrischen Schichten. Ein solcher Filter lässt Wellen bestimmter Wellenlängen (Farben) durch aber reflektiert dicht benachbarte Wellenlängen. (German)
3 August 2013
Interferenzfilter (German)
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filtro dicroico (Spanish)
Filtros de color de vidrio que filtran el color de la luz reflejando todos los colores excepto el color del filtro que pasa a través. (Spanish)
3 August 2013
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dikroid filter (Swedish)
Ett glasfärgfilter som reflekterar oönskade våglängder och släpper igenom önskade. Mycket värmetåligt. (Swedish)
3 August 2013
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