lens spotlight (Q3198)

From CanonBase

A PC or a fresnel spotlight; a luminaire that allows varying the light beam size and light distribution by moving the lamp in relation to the lens.

A PC or a fresnel spotlight; a luminaire that allows varying the light beam size and light distribution by moving the lamp in relation to the lens.
Language Label Description Also known as
lens spotlight
A PC or a fresnel spotlight; a luminaire that allows varying the light beam size and light distribution by moving the lamp in relation to the lens.


    Type of information
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    courtesy of
    3 August 2013
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    historical term
    lens spotlight (English)
    A PC or a fresnel spotlight; a luminaire that allows varying the light beam size and light distribution by moving the lamp in relation to the lens. (English)
    3 August 2013
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    světlomet s optikou (Czech)
    Světlomet umožňující změnu úhlu světelného kuželu změnou ohniskové vzdálenosti žárovky od čočky. (Czech)
    3 August 2013
    0 references
    fari a lente (Italian)
    0 references
    schijnwerper met lens (Dutch)
    0 references
    Linsenscheinwerfer (German)
    Scheinwerfer mit einer PC (Plan Konvex) Linse oder einer Stufenlinse (Fresnel Linse). Meist kann man die Position der Lampe zur Linse verändern und somit den Lichtaustrittswinkel verändern. (German)
    3 August 2013
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    proyector de haz ajustable (Spanish)
    Un proyector plano convexo o un proyector Fresnel (una luminaria) que permite variar el tamaño del haz de de luz y la distribución de la luz moviendo la lámpara en relación a la lente. (Spanish)
    3 August 2013
    foco de haz ajustable (Spanish)
    0 references
    linsstrålkastare (Swedish)
    linsstrålkastare som tillåter att käglans storlek kan ökas eller minskas genom att flytta glödlampan i förhållande till linsen. (Swedish)
    3 August 2013
    0 references
    Spot. Spot-light (English)
    Metal box containing high powered light, lens, and reflector, and grove for holding coloured mediums. Used for directing light upon a particular actor or portion of a scene. (English)
    0 references


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