fresnel (Q3113)

From CanonBase

A focusable lighting instrument using a single fresnel lens that produces a soft edged beam which can be adjusted from spot to flood.

A focusable lighting instrument using a single fresnel lens that produces a soft edged beam which can be adjusted from spot to flood.
  • fresnel spotlight
Language Label Description Also known as
A focusable lighting instrument using a single fresnel lens that produces a soft edged beam which can be adjusted from spot to flood.
  • fresnel spotlight


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courtesy of
3 August 2013
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historical term
fresnel (English)
A focusable lighting instrument using a single fresnel lens that produces a soft edged beam which can be adjusted from spot to flood. (English)
3 August 2013
fresnel spotlight (English)
0 references
fresnel (Czech)
Fokusovatelný světlomet s fresnelovu stupňovitou čočku která vytváří jemné okraje světelné stopy může měnit úhlel kužele. (Czech)
3 August 2013
světlomet se stupňovitou čočkou (Czech)
světlomet s fresnelovou čočkou (Czech)
0 references
proiettore con lente Fresnel (Italian)
0 references
fresnel (Dutch)
schijnwerper met fresnellens voor diffuse lichtbundel (Dutch)
3 August 2013
fresnelschijnwerper (Dutch)
0 references
Stufenlinse (German)
Zoombarer Scheinwerfer mit einer Fresnel Linse (Stufenlinse) welche einen weichen Rand des Lichtkegels erzeugt. (German)
3 August 2013
Stufenlinsenscheinwerfer (German)
0 references
proyector Fresnel (Spanish)
Un instrumento enfocable de iluminación que utiliza una lente fresnel y que produce un haz de luz con un borde suave. Se puede ajustar su foco para que funcione como reflector o como padelón. (Spanish)
3 August 2013
foco Fresnel (Spanish)
0 references
fresnelstrålkastare (Swedish)
en strålkastare försedd med en fresnellins som ger en diffus ljuskägla (Swedish)
3 August 2013
0 references
projecteur fresnel (French)
0 references


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