Help:List types of equipment
From CanonBase
Type of equipment is a property defining what group of equipment the item is part of. It is developed as a tree structure. You only need to choose the lowest level of the tree, the higher levels will group the lower levels.
possible choices are:
- Sound machine (Mechanical) (Q121)
- Wind machine (Q122)
- Rain machine (Q125)
- rain drum (Q126)
- rain cilynder(Q127)
- rain swich (Q128)
- rain tube (Q129)
- rain square(Q130)
- Thunder machine (Q137)
- thunder run
- thunder chimney
- thunder box
- thunder chart
- thunder plate
- thunder drum
- Clatter machine (Q6)
- action sounds
- slapstick
- animal sounds (Q159)
- reindeer
- horses
- House sound effects House sounds (Q149)
- gong
- Sound (electronic) -sound equipment
- recorder
- reel to reel recorder (Q55)
- microphone
- amplifier
- recorder
- Lighting equipment (Q84)
- Arc light (Q232)
- incandescent lighting (early) (Q368)
- spotlight
- PC
- Profile
- Fresnell
- dimmer (Q383)
- resistor dimmer(Q384)
- lighting consoles (Q85)- Control board (Q85)
- preset lightng consoles (Q52)
- Oil and fat burners
- Animal fat? burners
- Fish / haring
- Wale
- …
- Fat with sand
- Animal fat? burners
- Oil lamp (Vegetable Animal oil burner)
- Floating wick
- Cardan lamps
- Argent lamps
- Open fire burners
- Bonfire (Greek)
- Cresset
- Torch
- Candles
- Tallow candle
- Wax candle
- Wale sperm? candle
- Chandeleer
- Sabbattini dimmer
- Footlights dimmer
- Bosse
- Wonderboum
- Dentiliere
- Taper
- Rushlight
- Gaslight
- Burner
- Single burner
- Wing burner
- Argant
- Sun burner
- Kous
- Airconditioning
- Control boards
- Pilot flame
- Ignition electrical
- Manufacturing gas
- Burner
- Limelight (Q176)
- Petrol lamp
- Oil and fat burners
- magic lantern (Q306)
- cloud projector (Q387)
- episcoop (Q402)
- cue light (Q388)
Stage mechanics
- wooden stage machinery (Q366)
- Chariot and pole
- elevator
- cassette
- cabstans
- drums
- degradation drums
- hemp system
- fly rail systems
- lifting devices (benches etc.)
- hydraulic stage machinery Q367
- steel stage machinery Q517
- revolving stages (Q516)
- elevators
- manual fy bar systems
special effects
- sound effects, see sound
- weather effects
- snow effect (Q370)
- Lightning effect (Q371)
- rainbow effect (Q405)
- sunset effect (Q404)
- mechanical effects
- horse race effect (Q372)