Fred Bentham (Q429)

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Lighting technologist and innovator in the UK 1930s-1970s. Developed innovative approaches to lighting control

Lighting technologist and innovator in the UK 1930s-1970s. Developed innovative approaches to lighting control
  • Bentham, Fred
Language Label Description Also known as
Fred Bentham
Lighting technologist and innovator in the UK 1930s-1970s. Developed innovative approaches to lighting control
  • Bentham, Fred


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Frederick Bentham
1911-2001 (English)
Frederick Bentham was a British technologist and innovator who worked for the lighting company Strand in the UK. He invented the Light Console in the 1930s, which used a cinema organ console to control lighting - a unique and radically different way of controlling light compared to the usual systems of the time.
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